Application For An International Driving Permit (IDP)

AA Members: UShs. 250,000 and Non - AA Members: Ushs. 300,000
AA Membership Number
(Optional: Required of AA Members only)
Other names
Postal Address
Email Address
Tel. Number
Mobile. Number
Passport. Number
Residential Address
Street / Road
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
(Format: dd-mm-yyyy e.g 02-3-1980)
Ug. Driver Licence Number
Expiry Date
Classes Class A
Class B
Class CM
Class CH
Class DL
Class DM
Class DH
Class E
Class F
Class G
Class H
Class I
Passport Photo
Note: A permit can only be issued to persons of 18 years and over who are holders of genuine and valid Uganda driving licences (Not holders of provisional driving licences). The current driving licence must be produced. Each applicant should complete the form and provide two passport photgraphs with their names written at the back.
Vision Statement:
To offer reliable motoring solutions by responding to our members' needs while taking into consideration the club's growth.
And we aim to:
  • Safeguard the motoring members' interests
  • Assist members in getting reasonable rates for their vehicle requirements.
  • Provide customs facilities for the members when traveling abroad.
  • Impart driving skills among the potential citizens through driving lessons and refresher courses.
  • Provide information and advice connected with Automobile movement.
  • Why you should join us:
  • Motor accessories at Gathani Ltd.
  • Discounted bills at CASE Clinic to AA members.
  • Auto spare shop for tyres, batteries, at City tyres.
  • Recommend you to an honest and quality garage at reasonable rates.
  • Road side rescue 24 hours a day, 365/366 days a year.
  • For Inquiries & Support, call; +256(0)414255917 or +256(0)752760252 or +256(0)776760252

    Service Highlights

    No matter where you drive, AA Uganda is ready to help you as soon as you call. And to reaffirm this, we have put in place over 30 rescue vehicles in our national rescue network. So help is always close at hand, making it possible for us to reach you with help in the shortest time possible to anyone.

    AA Driving School

    The AA Superior driving school uses the recomended FIA syllabus for its students. Our highly qualified instructors facillitate perfect driving skillas and teach International traffic road signs.

    AA boasts of excellent female driving school instructors. And more importantly, we provide insurance coverage for both our students and instructors while on training.

    AA Road Safety Tips

    • Obey traffic laws
    • Always use a seat belt
    • Always program your journey to avoid over speeding
    • Always use a child seat
    • Think- never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    • Always make sure your vehicle is road worthy and never overloaded